Tuesday 30 August 2011

Bad Drivers

Every time I go out, riding leaves me with a certain set of feelings. It’s a little hard to describe at times. One of the feelings that comes up with frequency is frustration. There are entirely too many piss-poor drivers on the road. I don’t mean just a little bad. I mean they’re a danger to everyone around them, especially people on two wheels, and they’re totally oblivious end entitled.

This past weekend Justin was cut off by one such driver. The driver went into his lane with no signal while completely ignoring the rider. Justin slowed down and used his horn. Horn use is really meant as a “hey, watch out!” kind of thing. It can really help. This driver? He proceeded to flip Justin off. What a horrible response.

I’ve had similar happen. On my first big riding day (this was last season), I was in a parking lot and going a reasonable speed in the proper lanes. A cab driver whips through the parking lot, and I thankfully stop quickly or I would have been hit on my right side. He stops. I give a gesture of “watch out” and he got angry and started giving rude gestures. I had a few choice words for him that wound up muffled by the full-face helmet.

More recently I had someone come right into my lane as I was riding. They didn’t see me at all. They didn’t signal. I braked, they continued into the lane where I would have been if I maintained speed. I used the horn, and Justin showed them a gesture of appreciation up ahead.

Be kind, share the road, and check for your blind spots. Even then, some people can’t be helped. Be vigilant.

1 comment:

  1. I have noticed that out of most drivers, cab drivers are among the worst and that is a scary thought considering they have a lot of time behind the wheel. Most of them have no idea what a turn signal is, they cut you off and they are rude to boot. A distracted driver is also a dangerous driver. I am not just talking about people yapping on the cell phone. Changing the CD, yelling at the kids in the backseat, flashy billboards, you name it...distractions are dangerous. I almost refuse to ride my bike during most of the day because I have been run off the road so many times...I am surprised I am alive to write about it.
