Monday 4 July 2011

Day 1: Edmonton to Lake Louise

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Day one started a bit later than expected. Initially I was anticipating leaving in the morning, and making it as far as Canmore. We left shortly after noon.The ride started out cloudy and immediately turned to rain. Thankfully we had purchased rain gear, and it did help a lot to cut down on the cold and wind. We stopped for lunch in Edson, and continued on to Jasper.

The headsets we use are Scala Q2s.They started to act up pretty badly and after Edson were just generally not working.


The rain kept up on and off into Jasper, and even past it. We continued on south towards the Columbia Icefields. it was very gorgeous there, but after many hours of riding and feeling damp and tired, it just felt like a meat freezer.

Duke 690 Ninja EX500

When we stopped at the Icefields Parkway, I managed to trip on some raised concrete and lowside myself (more or less) into a vending machine and onto the ground. When I came back to the area a short time later, someone helpfully put up pylons and signs warning about the uneven surface. Thanks!

With such bad weather and a big distance already down, by the time we passed into Lake Louise it was time to stop for the night. It was already 10:00pm and getting quite dark when we reached the town. It was a bit of an ordeal to find food and a place to stay; we finished the first day by getting all of our stuff in before midnight, gorging on bad microwaved food, and sleeping as hard as we could.

Out of all the days, this was the most generally uncomfortable.

Total riding: ~610km.
Gear damage: Headsets, rain pants

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